Your Questions Answered

Most Frequently Asked Questions

At My Trusted Expert, our mission is to connect you with the single most qualified expert in your local area, who we have pre-vetted, taking the hours and days worth of research off your shoulders.

Simply choose the type of service you require, select your location and you will immediately be matched with the single best expert in your area.

We pre-check and vet all of our experts, including their reputation in your area, qualification checks as well as a price check, to guarantee they are inline with the industry standard.

The My Trusted Expert seal of approval is put in place to ensure all our experts meet exemplary standards, giving you the peace of mind before they enter your home.  

Unlike other tradesman sites, we only allow companies who pass our rigorous vetting process to feature on our website, to ensure we have the single best companies in the area.

To receive the My Trusted Expert seal of approval, our experts must pass the following vetting process:

Extensive Interview – to understand how they operate and the pricing model to guarantee that they   are inline with the industry standards

Qualifications – we require proof that the expert is qualified to undertake their chosen profession (e.g. Gas Safe, Part P).

Insurance – we require proof that they hold Public Liability insurance of a minimum of £2m to ensure customers are fully protected.

Company background check – we look at the company’s history, including length of experience and we perform a Credit Check on experts that are Limited and Limited Liability Partnership companies to check their financial history.

Online reputation check – unique to My Trusted Expert, we check the company’s online reputation to search for any negative mention of the company on the internet, including reviews on social media, third party review websites and online forums.   

Identification – we require photo identification (passport, driver’s licence etc).

References – we require at least two testimonials from previous customers whom they have completed work for in the past 12 months.

Code of Conduct and Ethics – we require the applicant to sign to agree to follow them.

Probation period – once successfully vetted, each expert must pass a 90 day probation period to remain on My Trusted Expert.

It’s essential for our gas and electrical experts to hold the necessary certifications to qualify as an expert.

For electricians, we require proof of registration with a governing body, such as NICEIC or NAPIT; and for Gas experts to hold a current Gas Safe registration.

It is important to us that our experts continue to qualify as the single best expert in your area, as such we constantly monitor our experts and in the unlikely event that we receive negative feedback from our customers, we take immediate action Including an investigation and if necessary removal from our website.

We are continuing to grow our expert community, and are investing time to hand select the most qualified experts in your area.

No. It is completely free for the consumer. Simply call your chosen expert on a standard local number or request a free call back.

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