
GRP Fibreglass Roof

A GRP fibreglass roof is one of the most popular solutions in the UK. GRP or Glass Reinforced Polyester is a composite material that is produced when plastic is strengthened with fine glass fibres. This single ply laminate has a history spanning over 60 years as a reliable solution to cover and waterproof roofs. In recent years, the GRP fibreglass roof has increased in popularity and can be used for a variety of applications.

The Installation

One of the main advantages of GRP fibreglass roofing system is that it provides a simple, safe installation. The process begins with the application of a layer of catalysed resin to completely dry, good quality roof decking. Then a fibreglass mating layer is laid over the top of it, followed by another catalysed resin layer to complete the system. Once this has cured, a top coat resin that is fire retardant is applied to weatherproof the roof completely and create a more attractive finish. The edges of the roof any abutments are fitted with trims.

When correctly installed and with sensible maintenance, a GRP flat roof can have a lifespan of over thirty years without any deterioration.

The Necessary GRP Roofing Supplies

The essentials of a GRP fibreglass roof are GRP resin, fibreglass mating, top coat resin, and a catalyst or hardener. The installation will also require fibreglass flashing and roof trims, sealants, and adhesives to bond the flashings and trims. These materials are relatively inexpensive and can be supplemented with corners to enhance the roof aesthetics.

GRP Fibreglass Roof Repair

Providing the installation has been carried out properly with suitable decking and flashing, there should be little concern about repairs for your GRP fibreglass roof. GRP fibreglass is impact resistant, but if a hole or split does develop, another layer of GRP can be laid over the top of the roof, providing it is still structurally sound to ensure it remains watertight.

While GRP is unaffected by UV, you may notice that there is some fading. This will not affect anything internally, but only the aesthetic qualities of the roof. If you prefer, any colour loss can be treated with another top coat layer to restore the original glory of your roof.

If your GRP fibreglass roof does leak, this type of problem is not typically linked to the roofing material. It could be a result of a poor installation, so you’ll need to check that all trims and flashings are fitted correctly, as these are likely to be the source of the leak.

GRP Fibreglass Vs. Other Flat Roof Materials

Although more costly on average, a GRP fibreglass roof can offer some advantages over other flat roof materials. It is more durable compared to traditional felt, and there are minimal seams to reduce the risk of water creep-age. The finishing top coat makes the whole roof resistant to practically all weather conditions. A GRP fibreglass roof is built to retain form and function in storms, frost, snow, excessive periods of sunshine and high winds. It is also fire resistant and has durability for footfall, making it ideal for roof terraces. If you’re still unsure whether a GRP fibreglass roof is the right choice for your project, you should speak to us. Our recommended professional technicians would be delighted to answer your queries and help guide you through the roofing options best suited to your project.

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